EPH Model Question 2069 WDR

Group A

Write very short answer to the fol­low­ing ques­tions.    (10 * 1 = 10)
  1. How long did it take for dou­bling the world pop­u­la­tion of 1850 AD?
  2. How is the den­sity of pop­u­la­tion cal­cu­lated? Write the formula.
  3. Write any one indi­ca­tor of phys­i­cal qual­ity of life.
  4. Write any one occu­pa­tion which can be adopted by peo­ple of Terai region.
  5. Write any one mea­sure to expand for­est area in the hilly region.
  6. Write any one rare ani­mal found in moun­tain region of Nepal.
  7. Write any one reli­able con­ser­va­tion mea­sure of rare plant like Golden Michelia.
  8. Which infra­struc­ture of devel­op­ment does pro­duc­tion of engi­neer fall in?
  9. Write any one risk fac­tor of non-communicable disease.
  10. Write down any one exam­ple of unhealthy life style.

Group B

Write short answer to any thir­teen of the fol­low­ing ques­tions:    (13 * 5 = 65)
  1. What is pop­u­la­tion dis­tri­b­u­tion ? Explain the pop­u­la­tion dis­tri­b­u­tion by eco­log­i­cal region accord­ing to cen­sus 2058.
  2. List any four bio­log­i­cal fac­tors which affect the birth and explain how lac­ta­tion affects birth.
  3. The total mid-year pop­u­la­tion of a city in Nepal was 25,500 in the year 2068 BS. In that year 1140 infants were born and 210 peo­ple died due to malaria and can­cer in the city. Find the Crude Birth Rate (CBR) and the Crude Death Rate (CDR) of the city in that year. [Ans : 44.70 per thousand;8.23 per thousand]
  4. Explain any five efforts that you can make to attain qual­ity of life.
  5. Explain the socio-economic aspect of moun­tain region.
  6. Write the rea­sons on why bio-diversity should be con­served in Nepal. Write the efforts made.
  7. Why is nat­ural eco-system con­sid­ered to be the basis of bio-diversity? Give any five reasons.
  8. How does improve­ment in breed help in con­ser­va­tion of bio-diversity? Write in short.
  9. What is devel­op­ment? Write any four impor­tance of devel­op­ment work.
  10. What types of effects of indus­trial devel­op­ment works are found on the envi­ron­ment? Explain any five effects.
  11. What are the water borne dis­eases? Write their causes of such dis­eases along with examples.
  12. What type of food is called bal­anced diet? Write the food groups of bal­anced diet with examples.
  13. Con­sump­tion of alco­hol is wide­spread in Nepalese com­mu­nity. Why can it be not con­trolled? Write any five causes of it.
  14. What is com­mu­nity health? Explain its con­tri­bu­tion in Nepalese community.
  15. State the ser­vices pro­vided by non-governmental health insti­tu­tion. Iden­tify the prob­lems and write the solu­tion to the problems.

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