EPH Model Question 2069 WDR
Group A
Write very short answer to the following questions. (10 * 1 = 10)
- How long did it take for doubling the world population of 1850 AD?
- How is the density of population calculated? Write the formula.
- Write any one indicator of physical quality of life.
- Write any one occupation which can be adopted by people of Terai region.
- Write any one measure to expand forest area in the hilly region.
- Write any one rare animal found in mountain region of Nepal.
- Write any one reliable conservation measure of rare plant like Golden Michelia.
- Which infrastructure of development does production of engineer fall in?
- Write any one risk factor of non-communicable disease.
- Write down any one example of unhealthy life style.
Group B
Write short answer to any thirteen of the following questions: (13 * 5 = 65)
- What is population distribution ? Explain the population distribution by ecological region according to census 2058.
- List any four biological factors which affect the birth and explain how lactation affects birth.
- The total mid-year population of a city in Nepal was 25,500 in the year 2068 BS. In that year 1140 infants were born and 210 people died due to malaria and cancer in the city. Find the Crude Birth Rate (CBR) and the Crude Death Rate (CDR) of the city in that year. [Ans : 44.70 per thousand;8.23 per thousand]
- Explain any five efforts that you can make to attain quality of life.
- Explain the socio-economic aspect of mountain region.
- Write the reasons on why bio-diversity should be conserved in Nepal. Write the efforts made.
- Why is natural eco-system considered to be the basis of bio-diversity? Give any five reasons.
- How does improvement in breed help in conservation of bio-diversity? Write in short.
- What is development? Write any four importance of development work.
- What types of effects of industrial development works are found on the environment? Explain any five effects.
- What are the water borne diseases? Write their causes of such diseases along with examples.
- What type of food is called balanced diet? Write the food groups of balanced diet with examples.
- Consumption of alcohol is widespread in Nepalese community. Why can it be not controlled? Write any five causes of it.
- What is community health? Explain its contribution in Nepalese community.
- State the services provided by non-governmental health institution. Identify the problems and write the solution to the problems.
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