Computer Science Set-2

SLC Model Question -2067
Subject:- Opt II (Computer Science)                                                                  FM:-50
Time:- 1hr 30mins                                                                                                      PM:-16
Group A
[Fundamental -22 marks]
1.       Answer the following questions:                                                                5x2=10
a) Differentiate between simplex and duplex communication mode.
b) What is search engine? List two site name use as search engine.
c) “Power protecting device is necessary on computer system.” Why?
d) How can you protect your computer from computer virus? Write four strong points
e) What is cyber ethic? Which type of knowledge is given by cyber ethic?
2.       Fill in the blanks with suitable word(s):                                                   4x0.5=2
a)                device that amplifies the incoming signals where computers are apart from each other.
b)                 worldwide discussion group in which people share information and idea on a particular area of interest.
c)                virus which infects .bin, .exe, .com, .drv, .sys files
d)                technology is mostly used in cartoon films.
3.       Write the full forms of the following:                                                      4x0.5=2
a)      ISON                      b) IRC                                  c) RFW                    d) USB
4.       Give the appropriate terms of the following:                                      4x0.5=2
a) A device with multiple ports that allow network device to be connect together.
b) A Virus which infects to java script, html script etc.
c) System software that can manage the resources of Network.
d) Program that controls the functionality of the hardware.
5.       Match the following pairs:                                                                           4x0.5=2
a) MODEM                                                                  a) MBR
b) Internet Telephony                                           b) Transmission Medium
c) Broadband                                                             c) Communication device
d) Boot sector                                                           d) VOIP
                                                                                        e) Network
6.       a) Convert the following as indicated:                                                     2x1=2
i)     (100011)2=(?)10                                                                             ii) (123)10=(?)16
b) Calculate the following binary numbers                                              2x1=2
i) 100011+10101                                                  ii) 110010÷101
Group B
[Database-10 marks]
7.       Answer the following questions:                                                                3x2=6
a)      Write a short note on Ms-Access.
b)      What is data type? List two types of data.
c)       What is relationship? List its types.
8.       Fill in the blanks with suitable word(s):                                                     4x0.5=2
a)                   Query is used to global change is a field.
b)      A maximum capacity of OLE object is              .
c)       A properties of entity is called              .
d)                   text is display when wrong data entered.
9.       State true or false                                                                                              4x0.5=2
a)      Number is default data type of Ms-Access.
b)      Caption is an alternate name of field.
c)       Giving structure of data is known as format.
d)      Maximum size of text is 256 character.
Group C [Programming-18 marks]
10.   a) List an operator used on C language.                                                    1
b) Differentiate between Sub and Function.                                         1
c) Write a syntax and function of NAME as statement                       1
11.   Debug the following question:                                                                     2
INPUT  “Radius”; r
A = 22/7* z^2
12.   Write an output of the following program:                                             2
        A$= “BHAKTAPUR”
        FOR i = 1 TO 5
                        PRINT MID$(A$,i,i)
        NEXT i
13.   Read the program and answer the following questions:                           2x1=2
            OPEN "Record.dat" FOR APPEND AS #1
                        INPUT "Name "; N$
                        INPUT "Address "; A$
                        INPUT "Phone "; P
                        WRITE #1, N$,A$,P
                        INPUT "Continue ";Z$
                        IF UCASE$(Z$) = "Y" THEN GOTO TOP
            CLOSE #1
a) What will change when write#1 is replaced by print#1 statement?
b) How many times the program should repeat?
14.   a) Write a program to insert 10 different numbers and display it in ascending order using sub …… end sub.            3
b) Write a program to convert the temperature given in centigrade to Fahrenheit using Function…End function statement.                                                                                                                                                    3
            [Hint: ]
c) Write a program insert name, address and phone number of few students into sequential data file “record.txt”. 3

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